TIL: A trick to test Pachyderm pipeline globs
When working on Pachyderm pipeline specs, you can test the results picked up by different globs (I refuse to say datums - data is the plural of datum!).
If you’re unsure about which glob to use when specifying a pipeline, you can test drive them.
$ pachctl glob file "events@master:/*/*"
/dira/foo.parquet file 51.32KiB
/dira/bar.parquet file 16.95KiB
/dira/baz.parquet file 25.52KiB
This is a nifty little helper that I am happy to discover.
pachctl glob help
Print a list of Pachyderm resources matching a glob pattern.
pachctl glob [command]
Available Commands:
file Return files that match a glob pattern in a commit.
Here are the online docs for it.